Why God?

Peter, a man in his 40th, sat down with a strange warmth feeling in his heart that came after an intense conversation. He still has many questions in his head, but felt content. Conversations and food were the main theme for this family gathering. Friends and members of the family…

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It’s summer. Not much to say. 1. Work on thesis! June-July is busy period of revising. 2. Words that are emerging around me lately: cancer, conflict, cannot work together, prayer. 3. A lot of experience, much calmer and grounded. 4. Visited Milan and Frankfurt again. Hope to write more on…

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Good Friends are Hard to Find

There are times that you want to share your vulnerability with people that you are comfortable with. While those times are certain, the people are not. In times like those, you will appreciate any relation you had with people who really cares about you. Funny, I too find it difficult…

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After 4 winters in the Netherland, I know that my time here is almost up. I have lots of happy memories. Sometimes I am surprised of how integrated I am to the Dutch culture. But life is always about cycles. Sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone to begin…

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