Song Of The Week: Todd Rundgren – Hello It’s Me

Posted (binsar) in Opinion on March-29-2008

‘         I heard this song when I was watching the Pilot of That ’70s Show. The gang was going to a Todd Rundgren’s concert, and initially the gang sang the song together at the end of the very first (the pilot) and the last (eight season finale) episode of the series. Then I think to myself that I gotta have the song. It was in fact a very nice 70’s sound song.

‘         Todd Rundgren originally sing the song with his former band The Nazz, but then decided to rearrange it to a more up tempo version when he decided to go solo. The song immediately became his signature song. It was released in the album Something/Anything in 1972 in which he played all instruments in the first 3 out of 4 discs. This album was ranked 173 in Rolling Stones magazine list of All Time Greatest Album in 2003.

‘         Fyi, Todd Rundgren is the legal father of Liv Tyler. He dated Bebe Buell, the mother of Liv from 1972-1977. At the end of their relationship Bebe gave birth to Liv after an 8 month relationship with Steven Tyler (Aerosmith vocalist). However Bebe did not want Steven to be identified as Liv’s dad because of his drugs problem. Todd was Liv’s dad on her birth certificate and remained a father figure for her for the next 10 years. But Liv, without any doubt is Steven’s daughter. Her sexy lips is the living prove!

Click the rest of the article to hear the song!


p on March 31st, 2008 at 11:56 am #

i was thinking.. was that the one where FEZ made shirts with Tad instead of Todd? Neah.. was ted nugent :p

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