
Thank God, my dissertation is finally finished. It has been a long journey that marks only a new chapter in my life. I have so much to thank for, to God, and to the people surround me who have helped me finishing what seemed to be a lonesome work at times. I submitted my dissertation in September, and I am going to defend it at 20th December, 11.45, at the aula of the VU University, Amsterdam. I still need to do some small revisions and some preparations for the defense. My parents and fiance, and hopefully my sister are planning to come for the promotion.

On the other side, I also feel sad to think about the people, environment, work, and friendly faces that I am going to miss when I return to Jakarta. Next year will be a totally new environment, a new life, and a new journey.

There are still a lot that I have not done here, in the congregation of GKIN Regio Arnhem-Nijmegen and Regio Tilburg. I feel like I am leaving an unfinished work behind. However, it is not my work and it is never going to be. It is God’s work, and I am sure God will send someone suitable for the congregation. I will give my best before my time in the Netherlands ends.

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  1. Selamat dan sukses, Pak Pendeta…

    semoga semakin banyak menjadi berkat buat tiap orang yang Bapak layani…hingga tiap orang bisa menerima kasih setia karya penyelamatan Tuhan di dalam Yesus Kristus…

    Tetap semangat dan setia mengerjakan bagian Bapak, dengan pertolongan dari Tuhan yang jadi pemilik ladangnya….

    Tuhan Yesus berkati kehidupan, keluarga, dan masa depan Bapak…

  2. Terima kasih mbak Mila! Tuhan berkati juga!

  3. Beste Binsar,
    Veel succes en ook plezier vandaag!! Alvast van harte en knap dat je ook dit weer voor elkaar hebt gekregen.
    De hartelijke groeten aan je familie en veel zegen in de toekomst op alles wat je doet.

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