Life Is About Making Choices

Posted by binsar on 22 Jun 2007 | Tagged as: Reflection

I always think that life is about making a choice. It’s always either this or that, neither this nor that. You have to choose which high school will you go to after junior high, or which university/college will you attend? Will you rather hang-out with your friends or you will take your mom to a family meeting? Or will you continue your study or should you find a job first?

I often had that kind of dillemas. However, I would not like to share about any kind of tips or suggestion on how you make a decision.. rather I would like to say… be grateful for every dillemas you have.. be grateful for every choices you have to make, because you still have a choice… Think about those people who cannot choose what to eat because they don’t have the money to buy foods; or cannot choose where they should go because they are just not being able to move; or what kind of jobs to take because there is simply no vacant position for they’re lack of education.

Life is always about making choices. But be grateful, for you still have a choice… coz’ some don’t.

-mid may 2005

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