My Song Of The Week – Di Bawah Sinar Bulan Purnama (by Chrisye)

This is originally a kroncong song. Kroncong, is an onomatopoeic approximation of the sound of the rhythmic background to the music created by the interlocking of instruments playing on or off the beat. This background rhythm runs faster than the (often) slow vocal or melody, and is created, typically, by two ukuleles, a cello, a guitar and a bass. These instruments, especially the pair of ukeleles, interlock as do the instruments in a gamelan orchestra, and it is clear that the musical traditions of Indonesia have been applied to an orchestra of European instruments (Wikipedia). Chrisye arranges this song in a pop and mellow way. I like both version.

The song describes the feeling you get when you are looking at the clear sky with full moon, full of bright stars, sitting on the beach, and playing the guitar. It is a cliche picture of a typical postcard that you will get or send from a beach ressort in Bali. This picture alone should be able to cheer every sad feeling that you have. However, Chrisye’s version was more in a mellow tune. I have a different feeling while listening to the melody – while ignoring the lyric. I feel like I’ve just lost a love one, it’s a funny sad and warm feeling. So, I think it’s worthwhile listening to.

Di Bawah Sinar Bulan Purnama – Chrisye

Di bawah sinar bulan purnama
air laut berkilauan
berayun-ayun ombak mengalir
ke pantai senda gurauan

Di bawah sinar bulan purnama
hati susah tak dirasa
gitar berbunyi riang gembira
jauh malam dari petang

Beribu bintang taburan
menghiasi langit hijau
menambah cantik alam dunia
serta murni pemandangan

Di bawah sinar bulan purnama
hati susah jadi senang
si miskin pun yang hidup sengsara
semalam itu bersuka

Di Bawah Sinar Bulan Purnama

Opinion Comments 0 Sep 27th, 2008

Viewed 9140 times by 2261 viewers

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